¡La convocatoria 2025-2027, estará abierta desde el 17 de mayo hasta el 28 de agosto!
Como está explicado en la sección Convocatoria, después de hacer la pre-inscripción y subir el pago del derecho de inscripción, el candidato recibirá un correo perzonalizado para acceder a la aplicación.
¿Cómo acceder a la aplicación?
La pre-incripción y la aplicación estarán disponibles este año en una misma plataforma. Acceder a ambos formatos dando clic aquí. Si aplicaste al proceso de selección pasado, debes acceder a la plataforma con el mismo usuario y contraseña.
Toda la información suministrada por los candidatos durante el proceso de selección deberá ser veraz y estará sujeta a verificación de acuerdo con lo estipulado en el Artículo No. 83 de la Constitución Nacional y en los Artículos 286 a 296 del Código Penal Colombiano relacionados con la Falsedad en Documentos; cumplir estrictamente con los requisitos exigidos para este programa y deberán enviar la documentación de su aplicación requerida, en la fecha límite relacionada en esta convocatoria. Igualmente, si se encuentra alguna incoherencia o inconsistencia entre los requisitos exigidos en la convocatoria, los datos registrados en el formulario virtual y la documentación aportada como soporte a esta solicitud quedará excluida del proceso y no habrá derecho a reclamo.
A continuación encuentra parte de la información que debe completar en el formulario de aplicación y la documentación adicional requerida, para que nuevos aspirantes vayan adelantando el proceso.
Formulario de aplicación
A continuación únicamente encontrará la información personal y de interés por colegios UWC. Adicional a esto, después de hacer su pre-inscripción y pago en nuestra plataforma, se le habilitarán las preguntas de aplicación.
Información personal
- Nombres :
- Apellidos :
- Nombre preferido :
- Género: M / F/ Otro :
- Fecha de Nacimiento: Año, mes, día
- ¿Qué edad tendrá el 1 de septiembre, 2023?
- Lugar de nacimiento
- Nacionalidad
- Segunda nacionalidad -si aplica-
- Correo electrónico personal
- Teléfono fijo: código de la ciudad–número
- Celular personal o celular de contacto
- Ciudad de residencia
- Departamento
- Dirección completa de residencia
- Estrato social
- ¿Quién legalmente es responsable por usted?
- ¿Qué relación tiene con esta persona?
- ¿Con quién más vive?
- ¿Cuál es el gasto mensual de su familia para su educación? (pensión, materiales, uniformes, transporte, etc)
- ¿Tiene alguna lesión física causada por explosión de minas antipersonales u otros artefactos de guerra? Si /No
- ¿Pertenece a una comunidad indígena? Si/No . ¿Cuál?
- ¿Pertenece a una comunidad afrocolombiana?
- ¿Hay alguien en su núcleo familiar que esté inscrito en el Registro Único de Víctimas? Especifique
- ¿Vive en una Aldea Infantil SOS? Si/No
- ¿Ya se ha postulado antes? Si/No
- ¿Ha participado en un campamento de selección de UWC antes? Si/No
- ¿Cómo se enteró de los Colegios del Mundo Unido - Movimiento UWC?
Colegios del Mundo Unido - Colegios UWC
Entre los 18 Colegios del Mundo Unido, que se listan a continuación, elija SÓLO los 3 colegios de su preferencia y explique por qué le gustaría ir a estudiar a cada uno de ellos. Lo/a invitamos a conocer los colegios a través de este enlace co.uwc.org/schools, de leer en detalle la información de cada uno de ellos, para que tenga más elementos para hacer su elección. Recuerde escoger únicamente 3 colegios de la lista.
- UWC Atlantic College – Reino Unido
- UWC Mostar – Bosnia-Herzegovina
- UWC Pearson College - Canada
- UWC USA – Estados Unidos
- UWC Costa Rica – Costa Rica
- UWC Waterford Kamhlaba – Reino de Esuatini (Suazilandia)
- UWC Red Cross Nordic - Noruega
- UWC Maastricht - Holanda
- UWC Dilijan - Armenia
- UWC Mahindra College – India
- UWC Thailand – Tailandia
- UWC Li Po Chun - Hong Kong
- UWC Changshu - China
- UWC Southeast Asia – Singapore
- UWCAD - Italia
- UWC ISAK- Japón
- UWC Robert Bosch College – Alemania
- UWC Tanzania - Tanzania
Documentación adicional requerida
- Dos referencias:
- Una referencia académica: solicite a un(a) docente que escriba la referencia. Descargue una copia de esta carta y envíela a su docente.
- Una referencia no académica: puede solicitar esta carta a alguien que dirija una actividad extracurricular o por fuera del colegio en la que usted participa. Asimismo, puede ser una referencia personal, pero NO la puede realizar alguien de su núcleo familiar. Descargue aquí las instrucciones.
- Reportes académicos:
- Los reportes académicos de este año.
- El reporte académico final del año anterior
- Evaluación del desempeño académico reporte UWC. Descargue el formato aquí.
- Información financiera
- Declaración de renta de los padres*
- Último recibo de pago salarial de los padres*
- Carta laboral de los padres: especificando tiempo de labor y salario*
- El último extracto bancario de los padres*
- Último recibo de pago del colegio
- Factura de servicios: Electricidad, agua, gas y telefonía celular o fija
- Documento con las firmas de consentimiento de los padres. Descargue una copia aquí.
- Copia del documentos de identidad del postulante (pasaporte en caso de tenerlo).
*Se solicitará en una etapa avanzada del proceso.
Віо Карпенко
Learn MoreZhooben Bhiwandiwala
Mr. Zhooben Bhiwandiwala is currently the Executive Director & CEO – Mahindra Holdings Limited. Zhooben joined the Mahindra Group in 1985, and through a remarkable 38-year career has acquired a wide spectrum of experience across diverse roles in a number of key positions in several business sectors. As a long-standing veteran, he has traversed an interesting path across the Grou...Learn MoreEntrevista a egresada de LPC
Ximena Purita Banegas Zallio en Caldo de Cardan 97.9 FMLearn MoreMulticulturalidad y Educación
Learn MoreApertura del Proceso de Seleccion 2021 - 2023
¡Abrimos las inscripciones al proceso de selección 2020-2022!Learn MoreBelinda Kinneally
SecretaryLearn MoreJeremy Cooper
PresidentLearn MoreAnne Hawkins
TreasurerLearn MoreAction X Peace - Spain
2-7 September 2025Learn MoreUWC ISAK Japan Short Course Summer School
20 JULY - 1 AUGUST 2025Learn More(RE)Defining Equality
14 JULY - 27 JULY 2025Learn MoreWRITE THE WORLD: Using Creative Writing to Engage with Current Events
3 MAY - 28 JUNE 2025Learn MoreGlobal Leadership Forum - USA
Dates TBCLearn MoreSekolah Diversiti - Malaysia
Dates TBCLearn MoreDiversity in Action - Cyprus
Dates TBCLearn MoreBrave Girl Camp - Eswatini
Dates TBCLearn MoreSlavery Studies - Online
Dates TBCLearn MoreAction X Change (AxC)
30 JUNE- 14 JULYLearn MoreAmazônia 360: Sustainability & Community in the Brazilian Rainforest
14-24 July 2025Learn MoreDoing Good - Vietnam
7-11 July (Online), 13-23 July (In-person)Learn MoreBuilding a Sustainable Future - Germany
28 June-17 July 2025 (online and in person)Learn MoreAction X Change - Spain
30 June-14 July 2025Learn MoreEmbodying Earth - Vietnam
30 June-3 July (online), 4 July-12 July 2025 (in-person)Learn MoreUmoja: Coming Together to Build Community - Tanzania
30 June-10 JulyLearn MoreBridging Cultures - Bosnia and Herzegovina
23 June-29 June 2025Learn More2024–2025 Young Aurora Finalists Announced
The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative, in partnership with United World Colleges International (UWC), Teach for All, and the African Leadership Academy, has announced the three finalists for the 2024–2025 Young Aurora competition: UWC Adriatic (Italy), UWC Dilijan (Armenia), and UWC Mahindra College (India). Launched in 2017, this annual competition empowers young changemakers to develop innova...Learn MoreIB DP MATHEMATICS AND ECONOMICS TEACHER
UWC Pearson CollegeLearn MoreVice Principal (Academics)
UWC Changshu ChinaLearn MoreUWC South East Asia
SingaporeLearn MoreUWC Red Cross Nordic
Flekke, NorwayLearn MoreFinding home far from home: Philani’s UWC journey
Philani Sithole (Eswatini, UWC Changshu China, 2024-2026)Learn MoreSiân Morgan
Vice Principal Academics & IB Diploma Programme Coordinator at UWC Atlantic CollegeLearn MoreRia Wildeboer
Director of Finance at UWC Atlantic CollegeLearn MoreMarija Uzunova Dang
Vice Principal Learning and Innovation, Tutor at UWC Atlantic CollegeLearn MoreLucretia Fields
Vice Principal: Student Life, Safeguarding (DSP), Wellbeing and Belonging at UWC Atlantic CollegeLearn MoreDr Jeanne Galloway
Director of Philanthropy, Engagement and Partnerships (PEP) at UWC Atlantic CollegeLearn MoreEmma Bennett
Director of People and Culture at UWC Atlantic CollegeLearn MoreDavid Emery
Director of Operations & Sustainability at UWC Atlantic CollegeLearn MoreEmma Pilling
Geography TeacherLearn MoreFarid Chanan
Spanish and English Teacher, UWC Atlantic CollegeLearn MoreUWC Mostar
Mostar, Bosnia and HerzegovinaLearn MoreТеона Цоневска
Learn MoreМишел Јовановска
Learn MoreЛазар Нелковски
Learn MoreИвана Стојанова
Learn MoreДамјан Филиповски
Learn MoreАна Јованова
Learn MoreUWC Mahindra College
Pune, IndiaLearn MorePYP Classroom Teacher
UWC MaastrichtLearn MoreOLIVIA - UWC MOSTAR
¿De qué manera crees que ha influido tu paso por tu colegio UWC en tu vida personal y profesional? UWC me enseñó que hay comunidades en las que puedes alcanzar tu potencial, sitios en los que compartir tus ambiciones y objetivos en voz alta es celebrado y lugares que te animan a soñar a lo grande. Mi paso por Mostar me hizo ver que no hay límites...Learn MoreMIGUEL - UWC MAASTRICHT
¿De qué manera crees que ha influido tu paso por tu colegio UWC en tu vida personal y profesional? Soy de Úbeda, una ciudad en Jaén, donde viví hasta irme a UWC Maastricht. Pasé de estar en mi casa de siempre, en mi pueblo, a estar en el que probablemente sea uno de los lugares más diversos del mundo. En cuanto a lo personal, creo que nunca c...Learn MoreLUCÍA - RED CROSS NORDIC UWC
¿De qué manera crees que ha influido tu paso por tu colegio UWC en tu vida personal y profesional? UWC ha marcado en mi vida un antes y un después en todos los aspectos y al ser durante los últimos años de la adolescencia, te ayuda a definirte como persona, Es y probablemente será la experiencia más transformadora que habré experimenta...Learn MoreCARLOS - UWC MOSTAR
¿De qué manera crees que ha influido tu paso por tu colegio UWC en tu vida personal y profesional? Mi paso por los colegios ha sido una experiencia transformadora en todos los sentidos. UWC me hizo cambiar mi visión del mundo al conocer a personas de todos los países y con todo tipo de opiniones y experiencias. Pude abrir mi mente y conocer que más all...Learn MoreUWC Maastricht
Maastricht, The NetherlandsLearn MoreUWC ISAK Japan
Karuizawa, JapanLearn MoreMultiple Vacancies
UWC Mahindra CollegeLearn MoreMultiple Vacancies
UWC AtlanticLearn MoreUWC East Africa
Moshi, TanzaniaLearn MoreUWC Dilijan
Dilijan, ArmeniaLearn MorePhilanthropy Manager (Endowment)
UWC International - LondonLearn MoreSpecial Adviser on Legal Matters (Volunteer)
UWC International BoardLearn MoreUWC Costa Rica
San José, Costa RicaLearn MoreUWC Changshu China
Changshu, ChinaLearn MorePearson College UWC
Victoria, CanadaLearn MoreUWC-USA
Montezuma, New Mexico, USALearn MoreMultiple vacancies
UWC USALearn MoreUWC Sverige önskar alla ett gott nytt år!
Learn MoreAна Јорданоска
Learn MoreВаско Чоланчески
Learn MoreДимитар Фидановски
Learn MoreАлександар Ангеловски
Learn MoreДарин Угриновски
Learn MoreСтефан Гајдов
Learn MoreЛеона Лозановска
Learn MoreЛеонтина Трајкоска
Learn MoreАндреј Цветаноски
Learn MoreБогдан Баџуков
Learn MoreМартина Газепова
Learn MoreИва Ангеловска
Learn MoreUWC International Newsletter
Celebrating 2024: a year of impact, community and growth at UWCLearn MoreUWC National Committee Spotlight - UWC Sudan
Since 2020, UWC Sudan has selected 33 students to attend UWC schools. Despite the challenges posed by war, UWC Sudan’s volunteers remain committed to providing life-changing educational opportunities to students affected by conflict. UWC Sudan National Committee volunteer, Amna, shared: “We actively identify and support students from diverse backgrounds and regions in Sudan, p...Learn MoreVladimir Vintu
Member of the National CommitteeLearn MorePelin Turkmen
Member of the Selection CommitteeLearn MoreSara Roman
Member of the National CommitteeLearn MoreUWC Atlantic
Wales, United KingdomLearn MoreInbjudan till årsmötet 2024
Learn MoreCelebrating International Volunteer Day
Today, 5 December, is International Volunteer Day - a special day to recognise and celebrate volunteers all around the world.Learn MoreSärskilt samiskt stipendium till UWC Red Cross Nordic 2025-2027
Learn MoreUWC Nederland is op zoek naar selecteurs voor de selectie van 2025!
Learn MoreUWC Georgia Regional visits 2024
Learn MoreMultiple Vacancies
UWC ThailandLearn MoreDavis Philanthropies commits 15 million USD annually to support 350 students
UWC is thrilled to announce that long-term UWC patrons, Shelby and Gale Davis, are increasing their support for the UWC Dare to Dream scholarship programme.Learn MoreUWC International Newsletter
The latest news and highlights from across the UWC movementLearn MoreNC Spotlight: UWC Bangladesh
Since its humble beginnings in 1993, UWC Bangladesh has grown into a vital platform connecting young changemakers with UWC schools worldwide. Today, the National Committee has a community of over 400 passionate alumni - a number that has tripled in just the last decade. Since 2016, 70 students have received scholarships to attend UWC schools, made possible by the NC’s impressive fundraising...Learn MoreDigitalt Q&A-möte om UWC på söndag!
Learn MoreMultiple Vacancies
UWC East AfricaLearn MoreCelebrating the launch of the UWC Endowment Fund in 2024
The House of Lords, LondonLearn More2024–2025 Young Aurora Now Open for Submissions
Aurora is delighted to announce that the next cycle of Young Aurora is now open for submissions. Presented by the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative in partnership with the United World Colleges (UWC) and with the participation of Teach for All and the African Leadership Academy (ALA), this annual competition is designed to inspire young changemakers. Student teams from UWC and ALA are given the oppor...Learn MoreUWC student becomes Global Rise winner with innovative waste-to-energy project
Marika Pescosolido (UWC RBC, 2023-2025)Learn MoreTools for Changemakers
26-30 SEPTEMBER 2024Learn More2023 연간 기부금 모금액 및 활용실적 명세서
Learn More2022 연간 기부금 모금액 및 활용실적 명세서
Learn More2021 연간 기부금 모금액 및 활용실적 명세서
Learn More2020 연간 기부금 모금액 및 활용실적 명세서
Learn More2019 연간 기부금 모금액 및 활용실적 명세서
Learn MoreUWC schools and colleges celebrate milestone anniversaries
Recently, several UWC schools and colleges marked significant anniversaries, celebrating their journeys and the impact they have made on students from around the world.Learn MoreUniting for Peace: highlights from the EU-UWC youth leadership forum in Cyprus
The recent United for Peace EU-UWC youth leadership forum held in Nicosia on 21-22 September 2024 marked a significant milestone in UWC’s partnership with the European Union. The two-day event brought together over 200 participants, including high school students from both sides of the divided island, creating a vibrant platform for dialogue and collaboration aimed at fostering peace an...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - Online Alumni Event
28 September 2024 - 3:30 PM (UTC+1) Let's celebrate UWC day 2024 with the theme of Together we change by understanding the Sustainable Development Goals and Global Citizenship. Join this online event hosted by a UWC Alum. You can find more information here.Learn MoreUWC Day 2024
Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - New York City
21 September 2024 - 15:00 (UTC -4) This year, the first-ever UWC Convocation will be held to extend a warm welcome to the newest members of the community: the Davis UWC Scholars who will be arriving in the New York City metropolitan area this autumn. Upon arrival, first-year Davis Scholars will be presented with a special welcome gift package. The theme for this year's event is...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Canada
21 September 2024 - 13:30 (UTC -04) Join the UWC National Committee of Canada Board of Directors for a meet and greet, an exclusive screening of the documentary film Uncharitable, which will be followed by a critical and timely discussion focused on UWC today in Canada and what we hope for the future. The Board encourages participants to bring along two people who are new to the...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - Pearson College UWC
21 September 2024 - 13:00 (UTC -07) At Pearson College UWC, students will engage with the local community in a variety of ways to create positive change.Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Sweden
21 September 2024 - 15:00 (UTC +02) In memory of the recent passing of Paul Klein, UWC Sweden will dedicate the first hour of the event to honour his life. Following this, there will be an alumni panel discussion on peace and security featuring Malcolm Dixelius, Johan Norberg, Jenny Ohlsson, and Anouk Liebe. Before and after the discussion, there will be an opportunity to socialise with fellow...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Maastricht
21 September 2024 - 13:00 (UTC +2) UWC alumni from all schools and colleges are warmly invited to join the UWC Maastricht community for a special celebration of UWC Day 2024! Come and celebrate our cultural diversity with a vibrant festival featuring food, music and other expressions, while also reflecting on the 15th anniversary of UWC Maastricht and the journey that has brou...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - Valencia, Spain
21 September 2024 - 1:00 (UTC +2) Come join us for a picnic at Jardín del Turia! We invite UWC alumni and student parents to a picnic celebrating this year’s UWC Day theme, “Together we change.” By connecting, collaborating, and fostering meaningful conversations and shared experiences, we embrace this year's UWC Day theme, 'Together we change,' highlightin...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Belgium
21 September 2024 - 15:00 (UTC +1) UWC Belgium is organising a potluck meetup and everyone alumni, current students or anyone affiliated with the UWC movement is welcome! Spend a nice Saturday afternoon, chitchatting, catching up and meeting fellow UWCers. Everyone is invited to bring something to snack on or drink. Please find more information about the event here.Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Estonia
21 September 2024 - 16:00 (UTC +03) UWC Estonia will combine UWC Day with World Cleanup Day by organising a beach cleanup in Tallinn. After the cleanup, they will gather for a dinner together.Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Dilijan
21 September 2024 - 10:30 (UTC -4) UWC Dilijan has organised a UWC Day packed with exciting and diverse activities. In the morning, they will have a traditional photo shoot in costumes, a vibrant lip dub and a flag parade, showcasing the cultural diversity of our community. The afternoon will feature an Open Day in collaboration with UWC Armenia NC, where visitors can attend in two sh...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Mahindra
21 September 2024 - 08:00 (UTC +05) At UWC Mahindra, the UWC community is uniting to strengthen our environment and deepen our commitment to UWC values through various events and activities. These include group reflections, painting the UWC values on pillars in the Academic Quadrangle, and undertaking campus improvement projects.Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Changshu China
21 September 2024 - 9:30 (UTC +08) UWC Changshu China is organising various activities aimed at demonstrating and showcasing the power of togetherness to create change. Community members will enjoy an opening ceremony, 34 unique workshops related to the theme of the day, human libraries, a panel discussion on the transformative role of education, trips off campus to bird conservation...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC El Salvador
21 September 2024 - 08:00 (UTC -06) Creating Joy Together This event aims to strengthen the UWC community bonds through activities that foster collaboration and well-being. UWC El Salvador will begin with toy distribution for children, followed by a time when they will share their experiences of requesting the toys. Next, the community members will have a yoga session led by M...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Bolivia
21 September 2024 - 15:00 (UTC -04) UWC Bolivia is coming together to celebrate UWC Day and to raise donations for the firefighters battling the wildfires in the Chiquitania region.Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Bay Area
21 September 2024 - 14:00 (UTC -07) We invite the UWC community in the Bay Area to a picnic celebrating this year's UWC Day theme, "Together we change". By coming together, working side by side, and engaging in meaningful conversations and shared experiences, we embrace this year's theme. It's all about harnessing the power of collaboration to drive positive...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - Cleveland, USA
21 September 2024 - 18:00 (UTC -04) The UWC Community in Cleveland will have a university-sponsored UWC Day celebration. With food from various cultures, diverse performances, and a welcoming environment, they aim to celebrate the UWC values at Case Western Reserve University. Register here to join this UWC Day event.Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Uganda
21 September 2024 - 16:00 (UTC +03) UWC Uganda invites you to join an exciting virtual event that invites our community to reflect on the UWC mission and values in line with this year's theme: "Together We Change". The event will feature a keynote speech from UWC-USA '00 Alumnus, Emmanuel Kirunda. Also, it will mark the official launch of the UWC Uganda ann...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC ISAK Japan
21 September 2024 - 14:00 (UTC +09) UWC ISAK Japan is hosting their Second Annual International Culture and Education Festival as they celebrate UWC Day. This year's theme, "Together We Change," emphasizes the collective power of communities coming together to learn from and with each other, and their event aims to reflect this by bringing diverse school commun...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Nepal
21 September 2024 - 13:00 (UTC +06) All UWC alumni in Kathmandu are invited to an afternoon of fun activities and networking. In line with this year's theme, "Together We Change", the event will focus on impromptu art making, poetry writing, experience sharing and more. It’s a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow UWCers in the area. For further information, cli...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Zambia
21 September 2024 - 10:00 (UTC +02) The community from UWC Zambia will be cleaning up an urban wetland supporting a project that has been restoring the habitat for waterbirds that had stopped nesting there due to extensive waste in the wetland. The goal of the event is to collect and pile up as much waste to ease collection and to raise awareness of waste management and some aspects...Learn MoreUWC Mostar wins Goran Bubalo peace award
The recent peace conference at UWC Mostar, themed Building Peace: Global Challenges Today, brought together students, educators and activists to highlight the role of education in driving peace and understanding. Through workshops and discussions, participants explored global conflicts and ways to build resilient communities.Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Red Cross Nordic
20 September 2024 - 9:00 (UTC +02) UWC Red Cross Nordic will celebrate UWC Day 2024 by organising a full day of active volunteering for its students, involving both local community projects and activities on campus.Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC South East Asia
20 September 2024 - 08:00 (UTC -08) Community (K-12) activities, with younger and older students working together - researching and creating - to celebrate this year's theme: 'Together we change'. On East Campus, there will also be a whole-school assembly with music, circus and gymnastics and a special performance by visiting partner NGO Epic Arts, telling a tale through dance ab...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC East Africa
20 September 2024 - 14:00 ( UTC +03) UWCEA has an exciting fundraising event where all the students, staff members and parents participate. The 24-hour run is an annual team-based community event that takes place on campus. The event was established by our African sister UWC school, Waterford Kamhlaba United World College of Southern Africa, and it is now a wonderful tradition of our school...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Costa Rica
20 September 2024 - 15:30 (UTC -06)Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Li Po Chun in Hong Kong
20 September 2024 - 09:00 ( UTC +08) The event will begin with a keynote speech from a social activist in Hong Kong who is an advocate for ethnic minorities and refugees in Hong Kong. Afterwards, UWC Li po Chun is offering a range of sessions to promote student activism and collective action. The afternoon will focus on celebrating the difference and diversity within the UWC...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Maastricht
This year, UWC Maastricht makes their primary families and secondary students and all staff members think about how they can change together. What a better way than engaging the whole community in a recycling textile collaborative project that aims to promote sustainability while providing the space to engage in storytelling and cooperation with others. Partner service org...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Costa Rica
20 September 2024 - 11:30 (UTC -6) UWC Costa Rica is organising an Open Day, a special event designed for prospective students, parents and community members to learn first-hand about the educational experience and philosophy of UWC Costa Rica. During this day, attendees have the opportunity to explore the campus, participate in information sessions in the library, and converse with curren...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Thailand
20 September 2024 - All day (UTC +07) On UWC Day, the community at UWC Thailand will come together to celebrate the theme "Together we change", with a range of engaging activities. From creating eco-bricks and upcycling materials to exploring global cuisines like Arabic dishes, the day is all about hands-on learning. There will also be thought-provoking discussions on topics such...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - London
18 September 2024 - 18:00 (UTC +1) UWC International, UWC Atlantic and UWC Great Britain have organised the first-ever joint UWC Day celebration in London. This special event is open to UWC students, alumni, staff members, volunteers and friends of UWC. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow members of the UWC community in London, as well as to showcase and explore impactful...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Mostar
18 September 2024 - 9:00 (UTC 00) United World College (UWC) Mostar, the Network for Building Peace, forumZFD in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Forum Civil Peace Service), and the Local Democracy Agency Mostar (LDA Mostar), with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, are organising the celebration of the International Day of Pea...Learn More2024 Rise Global Winners Announced!
Rise, in partnership with Rhodes Trust and UWC International, announced the 2024 cohort of Rise Global Winners. One of Eric and Wendy Schmidt’s philanthropic initiatives to foster global talent, Rise supports promising young people, aged 15-17 and provides them with opportunities that allow them to work together to serve others over their lifetimes.Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - UWC Lithuania
14 September 2024 - 14:00 ( UTC +03) To celebrate UWC Day 2024, UWC Lithuania invites all members of its community to the first UWC Day event in Lithuania. They will have Milda, a member of the UWC Lithuania alumni community, who will lead a theatre workshop: "The power of collective imagination: how does the idea of imagination change reality?". In this workshop, UWC RCN'06 al...Learn MoreUWC DAY 2024 - Global Village Speaker Series
14 September 2024 - 9:00 (UTC -04) The Global Village Speaker series presents, "HOW ARE YOUNGER GENERATIONS CONCERNED ABOUT THE FUTURE?". Join this online webinar where Vivienne and the panel will address issues currently facing the younger generations of society, including climate change and existential anxiety about planetary health and population; and break down how, f...Learn MoreMini UWC
27 JULY- 4 AUGUST 2024Learn MoreAction x Peace (AxP)
2-7 SEPTEMBER 2024Learn MoreBuilding and Crossing Bridges
14 July - 27July 2024Learn MoreUWC Red Cross Nordic students take the lead at Nobel peace conference
UWC Red Cross Nordic's (UWC RCN) involvement in this year’s Nobel Peace festival and conference in Oslo underscored the importance of youth engagement in global peace efforts. The conference, which celebrated last year’s Nobel Peace Prize winner, Narges Mohammadi, provided a vital platform for students to connect with influential figures from civil society, politics and NGOs. Throu...Learn MoreUWC ISAK Japan Summer School
19 JULY - 30 JULY 2024Learn MoreAnsökningsperioden för 2025-2027 är öppen!
Learn MoreGlobal Leadership Forum (GLF)
3 June - 21 June 2024Learn MoreJust Dilijan It!
26 JUNE- 11 JULY 2024 / 16 - 31 JULY 2024Learn MoreBuilding A Sustainable Future
1 JULY - 20 JULY 2024Learn MoreBuilding a Sustainable Future (Online)
2 - 16 JULY 2024Learn MoreSlavery Studies (Online)
15 JULY- 26 JULY 2024Learn MoreUWC International Newsletter
The latest news and highlights from across the UWC movementLearn MoreAlumni Stories: Facilitating Bridging Cultures at UWC Mostar
We were proud to hear that one of our UWC Ireland alums, Táillte Cooney-Newton (UWC Changshu China, 2019) was selected to be a facilitator at the Bridging Cultures short course that ran in summer 2024 at UWC Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Taíllte's been kind enough to send us reflections on the experience!Learn MoreЛеонтина Трајкоска
Learn MorePaul Kleins begravning
Learn MoreCelebrating the Andresen-UWC Norway Anniversary Fund
Now, more than ever, the world needs future leaders capable of tackling humanity’s most pressing challenges. UWC is committed to nurturing these leaders - changemakers who can navigate cultural and social differences, collaborating to discover collective solutions to our shared problems. To make this vision a reality, every year UWC raises funds to provide scholarships for ou...Learn MoreDeveloping sustainable water solutions in South Sudan
Justin Tata (UWC Red Cross Nordic, 2000-2002)Learn MoreUWC South East Asia welcomes first students to groundbreaking Systems Transformation Leadership course
Forty students from across UWC South East Asia (UWC SEA) Dover and East campuses start their two-year journey this month on the pioneering Systems Transformation: Leadership for Change International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) pilot course.Learn MoreDare to Dream - Ajuda a Beatriz a sonhar mais alto com uma bolsa de estudos
Learn MoreСтефан Гајдов
Learn MoreДимитар Фидановски
Learn MoreБогдан Баџуков
Learn MoreАна Јорданоска
Learn MoreВаско Чоланчески
Learn MoreМартина Газепова
Learn MoreИва Ангеловска
Learn MoreДарин Угриновски
Learn MoreАндреј Цветаноски
Learn MoreАлександар Ангеловски
Learn MoreЛеона Лозановска
Learn MoreViki Stiebert
Head of UWC MaastrichtLearn MoreGlobal Leadership Experience (GLE)
20 July - 3 August 2024Learn MoreDiversity in Action (Hybrid) Becoming leaders of a diverse world: Embracing inclusion and unity
16 MARCH - 7 APRIL 2024Learn MoreHazel 中國UWC 畢業年度2025
Learn MoreTransforming Identity (Online)
1 JULY- 10 JULY 2024Learn MoreDoing Good (Hybrid)
1 JULY-17 JULY 2024Learn MoreUWC Ireland Announces 2024 - 2026 Scholars
Four students selected to attend UWC Changshu China, UWC East Asia, UWC Red Cross Nordic and UWC MaastrichtLearn More2024 - 2026 Scholars Send Off
Celebrating our 2024 - 2026 scholars!Learn MoreUWC International Newsletter
The latest news and highlights from across the UWC movementLearn MoreUnited for Peace: EU-UWC youth leadership forum to take place in Nicosia
The EU Scholarship Programme for Cypriot Youth at UWC is proud to announce the United for Peace EU-UWC youth leadership forum in Nicosia, Cyprus, on 21-22, September 2024.Learn MoreThe EU Scholarship Programme for Cypriot Youth at UWC
Liana Liu Ioannides (UWC Maastricht, 2021-2023)Learn MoreAction X Change (AxC)
28 June - 12 July 2024Learn MoreUMOJA Building Community Together
2 JULY - 11 JULYLearn MoreArden Tyoschin
Head of UWC ISAK JapanLearn MoreBrave Girl Camp
3-10 AUGUST 2024Learn MoreApril 英國UWC 畢業年度2024
Learn MoreBridging Cultures
23 JUNE- 2 JULY 2024Learn MoreKshitij Sheth
Kshitij Sheth is a Managing Director with ChrysCapital, a leading private equity fund in India with a $6bn AUM. He joined ChrysCapital in 2011 and leads the digital economy and pharmaceuticals sectors. He was previously with Citigroup Global Capital Markets in New York. Kshitij has an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore and a BSc in Economics from the Wharton...Learn MoreNachiket Sukhtankar
Nachiket Sukhtankar is a Senior Vice President at DXC Technology and Managing Director of DXC Technology in India. Nachiket brings more than 30 years of experience, which includes running global P&Ls, defining business strategy, building new technology capability globally, scaling up and managing large-scale technology delivery as well as driving organisational transformation and change. As...Learn MoreCynthia 義大利UWC 畢業年度2025
Learn MoreUWC International Newsletter
The latest news and highlights from across the UWC movementLearn MoreBrev från UWC Sveriges ordförande
Learn MoreReflecting on Laurence Nodder's tenure as UWC's longest-serving Head
Laurence Nodder (Rektor, UWC Robert Bosch College, 2012-2024 & Principal, Waterford Kamhlaba UWC of Southern Africa, 1999-2012).Learn MoreMai's path from Palestinian refugee to humanitarian leader
Mai (UWC Atlantic, 2005-2007)Learn MorePeter's inspiring journey and dedication to empowering refugees
Peter (UWC East Africa, 2019-2021)Learn MoreUWC International Newsletter
Celebrate the class of 2024!Learn MoreAlshimaa's journey from Sudan to Tanzania and beyond
“At UWC, I learned that if running is difficult, I can try flying.” - Alshimaa AhmedLearn MoreRecognising our funding partners
UWC International expresses its appreciation to all those who, through their generous support, have contributed to making this year's graduates' dreams a reality.Learn More